Reward Yourself!

As I sit on my couch with my laptop, I realize that I need to complete some tasks, such as creating social media posts and working on my marketing strategy but I am dragging *sighs*. Everytime I reach for my phone or laptop I find myself scrolling through social media or looking up on google the most unnecessary things. 1 hour later, I have still not started the tasks for that day. Does this resonate at all?

Maintaining productivity and focus as a solo entrepreneur can be especially difficult without the support and guidance of colleagues or managers. Fortunately, utilizing a reward system can be an effective way to motivate oneself and stay on track with tasks and goals. By choosing meaningful and appropriate rewards for completing tasks, one can create a positive cycle of motivation and achievement, while also reinforcing good habits and behaviors. In this way, the reward system can help solo entrepreneurs stay motivated and focused, even in the absence of external support or accountability.

Essentially, the reward system operates by reinforcing behaviors that are desired, while discouraging behaviors that are not.

When a person is given a reward for a particular behavior, such as completing a task on time or achieving a goal, their brain releases a chemical called dopamine. This chemical acts as a signal to the brain that the behavior was positive and should be repeated in the future. Over time, as the behavior is repeated and rewarded, it becomes ingrained as a habit, and the individual's motivation to continue the behavior increases.

In personal life, rewards can also be used to motivate behavior changes, such as adopting a healthy lifestyle, achieving personal goals, or developing new skills. By setting achievable goals and rewarding oneself for progress, individuals can build positive habits and boost their motivation to achieve more.

When it comes to rewarding oneself for completing tasks, it's important to choose rewards that are meaningful and motivating, but also reasonable and sustainable. Here are some examples of rewards that one can give to themselves for completing tasks:

  • Take a break: After completing a task, take a short break to do something you enjoy, such as reading a book, listening to music, or taking a walk.

  • Treat yourself to your favorite snack or meal: Reward yourself with your favorite food or beverage as a way to celebrate your accomplishment.

  • Watch an episode of your favorite show: Allow yourself to relax and unwind by watching an episode of your favorite show or movie.

  • Take a nap: If you completed a task that required a lot of mental or physical effort, take a nap to recharge your energy and focus.

  • Engage in a hobby: Reward yourself by spending time doing something you enjoy, such as playing a sport, painting, or playing a musical instrument.

  • Purchase something you've been wanting: If you've been saving up for something special, reward yourself by making the purchase after completing a significant task.

  • Plan a fun outing: Reward yourself by planning a fun outing or activity with friends or family, such as going to a concert, visiting a museum, or going on a hike.

I have to admit that I enjoy rewarding myself by watching a movie or a show. However, the problem with that is that I often end up binge-watching for hours, which can take over my entire day. Therefore, I try to limit the amount of time I spend watching shows, and I make an effort to find other ways to reward myself as well. Additionally, it's important to take breaks from screens and engage in other activities for a balanced lifestyle.

Remember that rewards should be motivating and enjoyable, but also reasonable and aligned with your goals. By choosing appropriate rewards, you can create a positive cycle of motivation and achievement that will help you reach your goals and build good habits.

While rewards can be a powerful tool for motivation and goal-setting, it's important to choose the right kind of rewards. Here are some examples of rewards that can be ineffective or even counterproductive:

  • Unhealthy food or drinks: While indulging in a favorite food or drink can be a good reward in moderation, consistently rewarding yourself with unhealthy foods or drinks can have negative consequences on your health and wellbeing.

  • Procrastination: Delaying an important task in order to indulge in a reward, such as watching TV or playing video games, can lead to a cycle of procrastination and reduced productivity.

  • Overspending: Rewarding yourself with an expensive purchase, such as a designer handbag or luxury vacation, can lead to overspending and financial stress.

  • Inconsistent rewards: Inconsistency in rewarding can make it difficult for you to develop consistent habits, leaving you uncertain of when and how you will be rewarded for your efforts.

  • Negative self-talk: Rewarding yourself with negative self-talk or self-criticism, such as "I should have done better," can erode your self-esteem and reduce your motivation over time.

  • Ignoring basic needs: It is important to prioritize basic needs such as sleep, exercise, and social connection rather than sacrificing them in order to complete tasks or reward oneself.


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